Corporate Events
Recent Activity
Bryan Wofford and Tom Marzullo have been collaborating on few events. For four decades Tom E. Marzullo has designed and or managed international concert tours for numerous superstars in addition he has applied his skills in the design and management of live and televised events for some of the most respected leaders in entertainment as well as the corporate and sports world. Below are a few concept sketches and renderings for one of those events.
Working freelance with Infinity Marketing Team to create drawings and renderings for various client presentations.
Corporate Events
Recent Activity
Bryan Wofford spent nearly a decade working with FREEMAN COMPANY LLC as a Senior Scenic Designer for FreemanAV Studio Blue, a full service department with Event Services, designing the seen logo.
Below is a selection of production shots followed by concept sketches and drawings created while working with FREEMAN. A comprehensive list of all companies and shows is being compiled.
designed production Show Shots @ FREEMAN
Selected Images. To see a further project images and files please navigate to Archived Albums or scroll down to the FREEMAN CV
Concept Design Renderings @ FREEMAN
Selected Images. To see a further project images and files please navigate to Archived Albums or scroll down to the FREEMAN CV
Comprehensive list of shows designed while with FREEMAN
Please click on any link to open the show in the Archived Album file.
In Alphabetical Order
AAD 2013 rfp
Am Academy of Physician Assistants 2015
AAPA 2013 rfp
Am Assoc of Petroleum Geologists 2017
Am Assoc of Pharmaceutical Scientists 2013
ACOG 2015 rfp
Assoc for Career & Technical Education 2013
Assoc for Career & Technical Education 2014
Assoc for Career & Technical Education 2015
Assoc for Career & Technical Education 2016
Assoc for Career & Technical Education 2019
ADP_Intl President's Club 2017
Alpha Kappa Alpha Luncheon 2016